Brown Jennet
DOB 5/21/12 @ 10:33pm
Birth Height: 20" ~ Birth Weight: 21.6 lbs.
MDR #63032
Microchip ID#on file
Sire: HHAA Black 'n' Blue (Bruise), 30½" Black w/Cross
Grand Sire: Itsy
Bitsy Front and Center, 31" Black w/Star
Grand Dam: Sunset
Acres Junebug, 32½" Black NLP
Sky Point Picabo, 31½" Light Gray & White Spotted
Grand Sire:
Garrett's Cozy Acres Silver Fox, 32¾" Gray
& White Spotted
Grand Dam: Shady Acres Muffin, 32¼" Gray-Dun
Click MDR sign for
Whimsy's pedigree!
Whimsy was due on June 14th so she arrived 3 weeks and 3 days early. She's a tiny thing but she's stocky like her dad, Bruise, with his baby-doll head. Don't let her small size fool you as she has a personality larger than life. She doesn't have a shy bone in her stout little body. We named her Whimsy because she has a fanciful area on her bottom that always looks like a light is shining on her no matter which way she is turned.
Her dam, Picabo, has produced many national champions. Whimsy could easily be a show donkey, future brood jennet, or the best pet one could ever hope for. We are reluctantly offering her for sale simply to keep our herd size at a manageable number. Our goal is for each of our donkeys to receive the attention that they so deserve.

First day outside at 1 day old
Close-up birth video at Half Ass Acres