Frosted Spotted White Jennet
DOB 7/16/20 @ 8:08pm
Birth Height: 21" ~ Birth Weight: 21.2 lbs.
MDR #71172
Microchip ID#on file
Sire: HHAA Goosebumps,31¾" Black & White Spotted
Grand Sire: TTW Cowboy's Kalamazoo, 30 5/8" Black/White Spot
Grand Dam: H. R. Stella, 32¾" Black, NLP
Carousel Garden's Sweet Sensation, 30¼" FFSW
(Fully Frosted Spotted White)
Grand Sire:
Kritter Korner's D. K. Casper, 31½" White *FSW
Grand Dam:
Adele's Adorable Arabella, 32" Gray-Dun
Click MDR sign for
Shug's pedigree!
She's here! Shug is almost identical of her mom, Sweetie. She has double thick black eyeliner around both eyes. More than likely she will frost out when mature just like her mother.
We will be contacting our customers that have deposits down for foals in order of date received. If they all pass her up we will then list her on our for sale page. I am so tempted to keep this girl but we have retained her sister that was Sweetie's last foal, Little White Lie (Liza), born in 2018 that we are absolutely thrilled with.

Outside Video taken 7/24/20.
Birth Video