Dark Brown Jack
DOB 5/13/04
Height on 5/23/04: 23½"
MDR Registration Pending
Sire: Windcrest
Fire-Fly , 29½" Dark Red
Sire: MFG
Fiffyfire, 31½" Dark Red
Grand Dam: Windcrest
Pinkee, 32" Red (Sorrel)
Dam: Sunset
Acres Buffy, 34" Dark Brown
Sire: Circle
C Little Motown, 35" Black
Grand Dam: Hartman's
Lass #39, 33" Brown
was foaled from what we thought was a
barren jennet...hence his name, "Sir
Prize." He is a dark, dark brown
and very stocky. More information to
be posted soon. He just arrived here
and I have not gotten to know him yet.
