Black Jennet
DOB 11/12/16
Birth Height: 20¼" ~ Birth Weight: 17.6 lbs
MDR #67330
Microchip ID#on file
Sire: TTW Cowboy's Kalamazoo, 30 5/8" Black/White Spot
Grand Sire: Short ASSet's Cowboy, 31 ½" Dark Brown
Grand Dam: Arrow Creek Bunny 32 ½" MSF Gray
Dam: HHAA Sweet Punch, 33 ½" Black w/Cross
Sire: HHAA Black 'n' Blue (Bruise), 30 ½" Black w/Cross
Grand Dam: Sunset
Acres Sweet Pea, 33" Black
Click MDR sign for
her pedigree!
My, oh my, what a special doll this tiny girl is. She certainly takes after her mother, Sweet Punch, and grandmother, Sweet Pea, by being as sweet and friendly as they come. Tipsy does not have a shy bone in her tiny body. We thought we had Tipsy sold but our customers ran into building problems and had to back out. We are considering keeping Tipsy for ourselves now but we might be talked into letting her go if the right person comes along. A big 'thank you!' to our friend Courtney Farr Cassidy for coming up with the perfect name for this little girl.

Florida Bound!
It will be so hard
to see this special girl
leave for her new home.
Birth video