DOB 4/27/02 Birth Height: 22½"
Dark Brownish Gray-Dun Jack Sire: Fisher's
Great Gildersleeve, aka Indy, 32¼" Tri-Colored Spot
Grand Sire: Fisher's Tiny Gideon, 32" Spotted
Grand Dam: Fisher's Bit O' Honey, 32" Gray-Dun
Dam: Half Ass Acres
Christy, 32½" Dark Brownish/Gray-Dun
Grand Sire: English Meadows Timothy, 31" Black
Grand Dam: English Meadows Diana, 34" Gray-Dun Perry
has a gorgeous head and unusual coloring. He would make a fantastic pet although his
conformation is outstanding...perfect bite..straight legs..and a loving disposition.

Congratulations to Melissa Daughtry Lugoff, South Carolina!