Brown & White Spotted Jennet w/Apron Face & NLP
DOB 5/08/12 @ 10:30pm
Birth Height: 20½" ~ Birth Weight: 23.4 lbs.
Height 2/14/15: Less than 31"
MDR #63035
Microchip ID# on file
Click MDR sign for
L's pedigree!
is a dark brown and white, apron face, with no light points, jennet. When she is body clipped she is so dark that she looks like a black/roan and white spot.
has attended parades, birthday parties, graduations, nursing homes, etc., and she is brave enough to enter any building or do anything that you ask of her.
She never meets a stranger and she is not intimated by much of anything. Whenever she performs she does it with her whole heart. As an example of this when she is jumping the blue barrels in the video it was her first time. You can see that she would try to jump over the moon if you asked.
She is up to date on hoof trims, de-wormings and all vaccinations including West Nile, Rabies, Eastern/Western Encephalomyelitis, Tetanus, Rhino and Influenza. She has a negative coggins test dated 3/13/15. L will be sold with her two sets of registration papers from the Miniature Donkey Registry and The American Council of Spotted Asses but we do not advise that she be used for breeding. She must go to a home with another donkey for a companion. We would like for her new owner to be of a reasonable weight that L will be able to pull in a cart as we do not expect her to grow much more, if any. She measured 30¾" tall on 2/14/15, but we are calling her 31" to allow that she may grow a little more before she is mature.
UPDATE!!! This little girl had upper fixation of the patella in both rear legs. Lady Like had an operation on April 9th, 2015, that corrected this condition but it is hereditary and she should not be bred as the condition could be passed on. Our vet advised us to teach her how to drive and to put two twenty-five lb. buckets (for a total of 50 lbs.) of sand in the cart since she was too young to pull a full size adult. Dena line drove her everywhere and this is how L was the winner of the driving award for 2014, with nearly 60 hours pulling a cart. Lady Like is now old enough to pull a cart with an adult driving.
(Not for sale at this time as she is recovering from her leg operation and doing just great. We may offer her for sale at a later date when her stitches are removed and her incisions have healed but she is doing so well we may just keep her for another ambassador donkey at Half Ass Acres. Roger said he could use the help. Both Roger and L were trained by Dena Wilson to pull a cart and we are having so much fun with them both.)
New Photos & Videos Taken on February 14th, 2015
First Day Outside as a Newborn.
2013 Tennessee
High Point Reserve
Champion Ambassador Donkey |

2014 Tennessee
High Point
Ambassador Donkey
2014 Tennessee
Driving Donkey
Handled by her previous owner, Dena Wilson, of Rocking 615 Ranch! |