Gray-Dun Jack
DOB 6/09/15
Birth Height: 20½" ~ Birth Weight: 21.8 lbs.
MDR #65774
Microchip ID#on file
Sire: HHAA Black 'n' Blue (Bruise), 30½" Black w/Cross
Grand Sire: Itsy
Bitsy Front and Center, 31" Black w/Star
Grand Dam: Sunset
Acres Junebug, 32½" Black NLP
Eola Hills Mon Cheri, 32¾" Red/Gray Masked Spot
Grand Sire: The Elms Eric the Red, 30¾" Dark Red
Grand Dam: Hauenstein's Amour, 30¼" Gray/White Spotted
Click MDR sign for
Just Jack's pedigree!
Born out in the paddock in the only blind spot right under the outside cam after we were exhausted from being up for two nights watching for another jennet to foal. Since we 'just' missed his birth we appropriately named him Just Jack. He is the most gorgeous gray you have ever seen with very dark points and an intermediate muzzle. JJ already has an admiror that has fallen in love with him from just watching him play on the barn cam. She is coming to see him on Tuesday to make sure he is the perfect donkey for her!

Congratulations Tanya!
First day outside @ four days old.