28¼" Dark Black/Brown & White Tyger Spotted Jack
DOB 5/30/10 @ 2:42pm
Birth Height: 20¼" ~ Birth Weight: 17 ¾ lbs.
DNA Type on file @ Texas A&M University
MDR #60010 ~ ACOSA #SA2647
Microchip ID#on file
Sire: Wit's End Badlands Marauder, 30½" Burgandy Black
Grand Sire: Sunset Acres Speedway
Racer, 32" Very Dk Brown w/NLP
Grand Dam: Sunset
Acres Meggie Mae, 32½" Black w/Cross
HHAA Tease The Boys (Flirt), 32½" Dk Brown & White Spotted
Grand Sire:
MGF Primero,
32 ½" Black & White Spot
Grand Dam:
Sunset Acres Buffy, 34¼" Dark Brown
Click MDR sign for
Brick's pedigree.
Boy is Brickman ever tiny. Dark eyeliner all the way around both eyes too. We love the character of the little boy, Brick, in the situation comedy 'The Middle' and we wanted to name a donkey after him. ***hanging my head and repeating in a whisper....... 'after him'*** Thank you to Dena Wilson for handling Brickman during his photo shoot.
Brick attended his very first show in April of 2011, and placed 1st in a very large foal class (8 entries) at the Mule Day Mini Mania Show in Columbia, Tennessee.
Brick attended his second show August of 2011, and placed 1st in an even larger weanling/yearling jacks to halter class (9 entries) against very stiff competion in Lebanan, Tennessee. Brick has defeated his stablemate, Jealous Much, every time he has shown against him. But don't tell Much.. We are so very proud of Brick.
Brick was the 2011 "High Point Halter Jack of Tennessee" and "Reserve High Point In-Hand Jack" after his first and only year of showing.
He tied with his stablemate, HHAA Jealous Much, for these awards.

Congratulations to Shane Carey
Malakai Alpacas
Victoria, Australia.