Dark Spotted Jennet
DOB 10/24/11 @ 7:45pm
Birth Height: 20¾" ~ Birth Weight: 21.6 lbs.
MDR # pending
Microchip ID# pending
Sire: Heiken's
Ark Napoleon, 31½" Dark Tri-Colored Spot
Sire: Heiken's Ark Dandy, 30¼"
Dark Spotted
Grand Dam: LN Nigeria, Grulla Brown/Gray
Dam: HHAA Ma Bell, 31½" Brown
Sire: PGF
Peppercorn Jack, 30½" Brown
Grand Dam: Gladybrooke
Glorianna, 31" Very Dark Brown
Click MDR sign for
her pedigree! (pending)
What a way to end our 2011 foaling season! Ma Bell & Napoleon produced the most gorgeous dark spotted jennet you have ever laid your eyes on. She has dark eyeliner around both eyes, 50/50 dark to light spot pattern that is very symetrical on both sides, and what a tiny girl too! This little girl has a perfect bite, very stocky and a head to die for. Just a very, very special little girl!

Australia Bound!
Outside video & photos taken at 18 hours old!
New head shots taken at beginning of video at 3 days of age!
Close-up live birth video taken at Half Ass Acres
Click here to see marestare's foaling video compliments of WyCherie